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EIAgen SSA (detection of autoantibodies against SSA/Ro)

brief description

The detection of Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (ANA's) has long been an important tool in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases. The antigens used in their detection are purified by the saline extraction of human or animal nuclei, this has led to them being termed Extractable Nuclear Antigens (ENA's). The intracellular antigen SSA/Ro is a target for autoimmune response for many patients with Sistemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren Syndrome (SS) and other connective tissue disease. Studies have shown that anti-SSA/Ro antibodies occur in 60-70% of patients with primary Sjogren Syndrome and 30-40% of patients with SLE, being particularly associated with photosensitive dermatitis. The autoantibodies are also often found in the majority of patients with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus or antinuclear antibody negative SLE. The SS-A/Ro antigen has been shown to be a trypsin-sensitive ribonucleoprotien which under western Blot produces 2 bands at 52KD and 60 KD. Autoantibodies to ENA's vary depending on disease state. The following are estimated incidences of ENA antibodies in various diseases:

intended use

The EIAgen SSA is an Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method for the quantitative determination of specific IgG autoantibodies to SSA/Ro in human serum. The results of the anti-SSA assay can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of auto-immune diseases including Sjogren Syndrome (SS).

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