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EIAgen BR-Marker CA 15-3

brief description

The MUC-1 antigen is a membrane-anchored mucin-type glycoprotein present in malignant and normal epithelial cells of certain organs, e.g. breast, lung, ovary and pancreas. The apo-protein of the MUC-1 mucin contains a transmembrane domain, a cytoplasmic domain, and an extracellular carbohydrate rich domain. The extracellular domain is characterized by polymorphism with respect to the number of a 20 amino acid tandem repeat (VNTR polymorphism). The MUC-1 breast cancer mucin (CA15-3 antigen) is secreted from tumor cells and can be used as a serological marker of breast cancer.

intended use

The EIAgen BR Marker CA 15-3 kit is intended for the quantitative determination of the cancer associated antigen MUC-1 (CA15-3) in human serum.

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